Are you Seeing the World with a One-Sided Vision?

What happens when you see the world with one eye?

I am not talking about the third eye. We fail at recognizing people and their real selves with both eyes. The third eye can’t save us in any manner. But then, what happens when you see the world with just one eye open? Like just one eye open.

Physics has suggested. Primary class physics. Not alpha, beta, gamma physics. Primary physics. It has suggested that looking at things with one eye has a limited harm. It just causes the ‘loss of binoucular vision’ and your sense and ‘depth of perception’ gets compromised. Although, I have tried once judging myself, what happens when I look at one eye open. The most part that I want to see is visible. I can see at my front, I can see where I am walking and going. However, one of the sides goes missing. I can handle that unless I have to ‘interpret the scene’ and not ‘just’ look at it.

Making decisions and walking on the pavement of one-sided stories can lead you straight to a pothole. Watching and judging a situation with one eye open is about hearing a one-sided story and believing everything a person has said. When you have listened to one side of the story, you have heard a ‘perception’ of the situation from their perspective. It has manipulated facts, it has a turbulence of their emotions, and a rock-solid narrative that they had built to keep themselves at a higher and more correct place. Thus, when you hear a story as such, from one person and do not give the other person involved in it, a chance to present their side of the story you have compromised your ‘depth of perception’.

This loss has compromised the justice of your decision and you have been unfair. You have essentially focused on the told or ‘visible’ side of the story and have cared less to look around and watch the entire scene. Much like the news reports that tell you as much they have covered. And not the backstory or aftermath of an incident.

As per physics, loss of binocular vision make a person get a less accurate perception of distance and when you hear one side of the story and do not care to catch the full view, you have failed. You have failed at understanding the distance between truth and half-truth, the distance between what is visible and what is real, between what is a story and what is a reality. No person exists in this world who would not manipulate the narrative. Sometimes it’s a conscious attempt. Sometimes people just tell you as much and as far as they remember it. But, a one-sided story does not carry the ‘depth’, ‘reality’ and in the words of physics ‘accuracy’. Rather it carries misunderstandings, misinterpretations and in the words of physics, ‘disbalance in relationships’.

So, what happens when you look at the world with just one eye open?

You can focus. You can aim better. As physics says.

You would lose precision. You would hold a distorted version of the situation. As Physics says!


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