Perception is the Smallest Chunk

My current job profile provides me the scope of exploring many business methods, learning methods and analytical tools. Although my academics had seen long years of commercial application, I had not been accustomed to these tools and learning methods. It’s not so that I had learned any less in my school and college curriculum. Perhaps the academic degree that I got in school is the reason why I am learning these at my professional stage.

I have recently come to this learning method called ‘chunking’. Google says that it is “a process by which small individual pieces of a set of information are bound together to create a meaningful whole later on in memory”. It is very useful in retaining information and also in connecting the dots between small pieces of information to find the bigger picture. This insight grew in me a different thoughtfulness. It showed me how my chunk of a small perspective towards my academic and professional learning affects my approach to my current standing of knowledge. Instead of cursing my academic curriculum I find it as the reason behind the ability to learn. This invokes in me confidence as well, right?

As it comes to building a perception through small chunks, it is like 1 plus 1 is equal to 2. A certain thing happens in the world, and the way you perceive it is how it happens in your life. A somebody different might not find it exactly like your because you and that person do not perceive it the same. And then these different perceptions ultimately give clutch to a bigger picture. It is like a reel moving together. The movie is made of small pictures in motion.

Similarly, the tiny pieces of perception makes the bigger perspective of life. While some people live life with rose-tinted glasses on, some always find it blue and out of clue. It is a matter of perception on how you choose to deal with a certain situation, how you choose to react in a certain life theme and so on...

You are late
and your mom can either think that you had an accident or she can think that you are stuck in a meeting. How she thinks until you really update her is the response of her perception.

You are online but not responding, and your lover may think that you have fell asleep or they can think that you are talking to someone else. In either scenario the shift of their peace of mind depends on their perception.

How a person chooses to see life can be outlined by their smallest perceptions. When their perception aligns with yours, you find your match, your vibe, your life partner. An optimistic head sees the world to be a better place. A pessimist head sees the glass half empty. All of it are interconnected. When you begin to try knowing people from their perception instead of asking them ‘what they like’, they become more predictable. Their reaction, their repulsion all are but small chunks of their liking, disliking, moods, habits. The tiny pieces of their behaviour and their background story will tell you more truth then their eyes, ‘Chico’!!!

Chunks are very strong, why?

Your house is very strong. It is made of small bricks and a lot of sand, cement and water which together hold each other.

The chunks in someone’s life hold their overall. The small pieces of their experience turn into the way their perception gets build. You choose to see the world in accord to your life’s experience. To someone, theft is a CRIME, to someone else it is THE source of LIFE. Your perception of a politician’s actions makes you to either admire them or abhor them. Your perception to a woman’s dress, either makes you find them lady or a slut. Your perception to your problems either makes you fight or flight.

If perspective is life, the smallest chunk of it is your reception of people’s behaviour to you. An introvert is an introvert not because he or she does not like socialising, but there experience has not been the best in most of their socialising scoreboard and now they have ultimately given up. Nobody becomes the way they are by choice. A certain something (incident or event) builds them the certain way they had become. If you like your parents approach in life, you follow their footsteps. If their actions have made you find faults, you try to outgrow them. Simple.

Chunks are very strong because they become the core of your thought process. You unconsciously choose to be you in every aspect of your life and that is what makes you: YOU. That is what makes you unique. That is why, even if you and your friend have lived the same incident together, you and your friend are not going to have the same memory of it forever. To him or her, there emotions, their reactions, their first reflex of it has been different from yours. Their experience of it is different, because their perception has not been the same as yours. 

 Your bigger vision falls back on the map of your small thoughts. 

Make sure, they lead you right. 


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